Trinity Women's Center
On July 12, 2021, Gateway Center began managing the program operations for the Trinity Women’s Center. Trinity Women’s Center (TWC) has been a resource for women and children experiencing homelessness in Atlanta since the 90’s.

Trinity Women’s Center provides low barrier short-term residential (shelter) for women and children experiencing homelessness. Often, it takes several weeks to find appropriate housing, obtain employment, and ensure security deposits are paid for these women and their children. TWC provides wraparound supportive services that include care coordination, intensive case management, behavioral health and substance abuse support, and housing navigation services.

The TWC program has capacity to serve up to 24 people weekly or 5 households at one time. By linking women and families experiencing homelessness with emergency housing (shelter), intensive case management, coordinated entry assessments, and housing placement assistance, Trinity Women’s Center assists them in obtaining housing, improving their overall well-being, and ultimately in becoming self –sufficient in managing their families and sustaining their housing placements. The ultimate goal for the guests enrolled in this program is to move into a home they will maintain, breaking the cycle of poverty and homelessness for their families.
Individuals may inquire regarding availability of short-term residential housing at Trinity Women’s Center by presenting at Gateway Center’s main office located at 275 Pryor Street or by calling 404-215-6600.