Gateway Center’s Events

Human Clay
At this event, we will have a silent auction, Fund the Mission, Heartwarming Testimonials, and we recognize our Franklin-Hardin Award Recipient.

Drink Beer Do Good™:
A Gateway Center Friendraiser & Volunteer Appreciation Event
Drink Beer, Do Good™ - Gateway Center's Friendraiser & Volunteer Appreciation Event offers live music, appetizers, and is hosted by our lead sponsor Bold Monk Brewing Company.

Everybody Vs. Homelessness
5K Race
Runners and walkers will have the opportunity to join us at Westside Park to participate in our 5K.
This Year's Drink Beer Do Good™ Awardees

Outstanding Corporate Volunteer
Presented to Bolst for their outstanding contributions to Gateway Center by their employees. Over the last two years, Bolst has consistently assisted Caroline’s Kitchen by helping prepare lunches for our guests. Additionally, they have organized the clothing closet, cleaned out storage closets, and stepped in to meet Gateway Center’s additional needs. Bolst is a company that prioritizes serving others in the community. “At Bolst, we are dedicated to making a positive impact on our community and fostering a sustainable, inclusive, and responsible business environment.” This award recognizes Bolst for their commitment to serving individuals experiencing homelessness. They have supported our efforts to ensure our guests have the resources they need, including a comfortable and safe place to call home as they transition to stable housing.

Outstanding Individual Volunteer
Presented to Darvin Neal for his outstanding contributions to Gateway Center. For approximately two years, these barbers have provided over 2,500 on-site free haircuts to Gateway Center’s guests. Darvin donates his time and talents to serve others in a transformative way, providing guests with new haircuts as they begin their journeys towards stable housing. This award recognizes Darvin Neal for displaying excellence in serving individuals experiencing homelessness and modeling social responsibility at the highest level, particularly as it relates to Gateway Center and our efforts to make homelessness rare, brief, and non-recurring.