Success Stories

Homeless at Hartsfield on doc

Homeless at Hartsfield on doc
In November of 2011, things took a downhill turn. In the wake of the recession, AT&T was forced to do some layoffs. “I heard rumors, but never thought they’d mess with the marketing people.” But they did, and he was cut.
I had the perfect financial storm going on: all of a sudden I had no job, no income, going through savings like it was water (and in retrospect, I had not been saving enough). I had nothing to fall back on because I was in Atlanta with no family, norealfriends, my relationship had ended . . . I had no network of support.Unable to afford his mortgage, Ron soon found himself homeless and began sleeping in the Hartsfield Jackson AtlantaAirport atrium. The airport, to Ron, was a safe and familiar place because he had spent so much time there traveling during his consulting years.
Every night, for a full year, Ron would sleep in the airport’s atrium with a duffle bag full of supplies (clothes, hygiene items, necessary documents, etc.). Every morning, he’d clean up in the airport bathroom and take the train into the city to look for work.
“I went fromflyingto hardly being able to get on MARTA. That’s a long way down.” Ron explained,
I had been down before, but I had never been destitute. My pride and my ego were stripped. I had no frame of reference to know how to navigate this situation. It was a maze I had never seen. Reduced to my least common denominator—I became somebody I did not even recognize.
Ron fought to maintain his sense of self and discovered a talent for public speaking withToastmasters Internationalspeakers’ group, which he discovered throughClifton Sanctuary Ministries. And in it, he won several awards for his speeches even while being homeless.
After a year of staying at the airport, others experiencing homelessness began to arrive in large numbers, thus drawing attention to those who had been there peacefully long before. The growing homeless population at Hartsfield Jackson became a problem for the city, so all those who had been staying at the airport and not flying were made to leave—Ron included.
Ron was still looking for work a year after becoming homeless and felt discouraged. He no longer looked like the golf-playing, jet-setting corporate man he’d once been. He was advised by many to “humble himself” and search for low-paying jobs in restaurants and maintenance, but was unsuccessful even at that. During this time (2012), Atlanta had one of the highest unemployment rates in the country at9%–higher than thenational average. “How was I going to find a job if nobody was finding a job?” Ron asked, “I learned it had nothing to do with my education or experiences. The economy was justbad. And I was caught up in it.”
After leaving the airport, Ron spent evenings in 24-hour places like McDonalds and Waffle House that didn’t mind him sitting in booths during the night. Heaccessed meals and services from the few social service organizations he knew, spent a lot of time at the Public Library, and walked almost everywhere.
It became hard to feel normal. I felt like I was losing my mind because everything that had been me wasn’tmeanymore. I’d get looks from people who were still in the mainstream and I became paranoid when I felt like people were looking and judging me because of my bags or appearance. . . But sometimes it wasn’t even a look—it was alackof a look. Not evenacknowledging I exist. There’s nothing like walking down the street and being ignored.
It wasn’t until Ron met Jill and Jenna at a free lunch hosted byChurch on the Streetin spring 2013 that he learned about Gateway Center. Ron,Jill, andJenna(Gateway’s Mission Year interns that year) became fast friends. He told them his story and, because he was already an experienced public speaker, they invited him to join Gateway’sFaces of Homelessness Speaker’s Bureau—an extra-curricular program offered by Gateway to both residents and non-residents to empower those experiencing homelessness to tell their story and hone public speaking skills.
For the next several months, Ron came to Gateway only to attend Speaker’s Bureau meetings and to say hello to Jill and Jenna on occasion. But things went from bad to worse for Ron in October 2013 when he suffered a pulmonary embolism due to a blood clot in his lung. Ron’s doctors decided that he could not return to the street, and so transferred him to Gateway’sRecuperative Care Programco-hosted by Mercy Care Clinic on our 2ndfloor.
“I couldn’t believe it,” Ron said shaking his head, “I had been to Gateway before, but only as a visitor and member or the Speaker’s Bureau. And now I was a ‘client?’”
Ron was disappointed to be in a place he’d considered a”shelter,” but learned quickly that relationships built under Gateway’s roof could be meaningful in the long term. Ron became friends with Gateway’s Mission Year and DOOR interns as well as Bec Cranford, GWC’s Volunteer Coordinator. He remained active in the Speaker’s Bureau, explaining “the Speaker’s Bureau was a good place to get my chops.”
While at Gateway, Ron began thinking about what he could do to make a difference in the community. “I once told Bec that my dream was to run my own nonprofit and she told me that Georgia State had a nonprofit management program. I didn’t think it would be possible financially, but she just told me to trust God.”
Ron remained at Gateway attending doctor’s appointments for the next two months before deciding to take advantage of a housing opportunity through a sponsor atSavannah Suitesfacilities, believing at the time he had found a marketing job with Delta Airlines.
Mere days before leaving GWC for Savannah Suites, Ron was diagnosed with Lymphoma cancer. He was in and out of the hospital for months after his diagnosis, undergoing chemotherapy and radiation treatments. Thus, due to his sickness, Ron was unable to go tohis new job and his time at Savannah Suites ended. This time spent back on the street was the darkest for Ron. His health and his life both felt out of control and he wasn’t sure he would ever get better. He
began drinking briefly to cope with his depression, but quickly decided that drinking was a waste—“it wasn’t for me,” he said.
Reconciliation and Revival
Around the first of the year, 2014, Ron made a conscious decision to do everything he could to live. Ron sought out counselors through a local churchto help him mentally and spiritually and he began meeting with them twice a week.
Nothing about my situation had changed, butIhad changed. It was good to be able to just talk and be listened to. They helped me navigate through that dark place. It cleared out my head and allowed me to see opportunities I couldn’t see before when I was bogged down with depression.One such opportunity available to Ron was SSI disability financial assistance because of his cancer. And another, most importantly, was an opportunity for education.
Ron learned of a program through Department of Veterans Affairs that would pay 100% tuition for veterans to the grad school program of their choice. Remembering Bec’s suggestion at Gateway almost a year earlier, Ron decided to pursue a dual degree in Law and Public Policy offered through theAndrew Young School of Policy Studiesat Georgia State.
Ron studied for the LSAT every day for three months at the public library, took the test in March 2014, and scored well. A church sponsor paid for all of his application fees, and he found out in April that he had been accepted.
Since his acceptance, Ron has been taking summer school courses in Fundamentals of Policy, Policy Analysis, and Statistics to prepare for classes in the fall. So far, he has gotten straight A’s and has developed close relationships with his professors, who are amazed that a homeless man nearly 40 years out of school is doing suchamazing work. On top of all this, Ron was recently accepted to Georgia State’s Graduate Assistant program as a Teaching Assistant, which provides housing and support for members.
Ron is on route to get his degree in Public Administration with an emphasis in Nonprofit Management, coupled with a Law degree by December 2015. And he intends to use it.
“I don’t want anyone to tell me I’m not qualified. Being homeless does notqualifyyou to solve a problem; it just means you canrelateto the problem. You need to know the knuts and bolts.”
Ron receiving GWC Speaker’s Bureau Award with Mission Year Interns / July 2014
And what of Ron’s cancer?
Ron has been cancer free since April 11th, 2014 and has been living his life to the fullest ever since. His relationshipwith his children is better today than it has been in years. His daughter, now 34 years old with two children, is sick with Fibro Myalgia and Ron talks to her on the phone almost every day.
I used to ask God, ‘Why do I have to walk so much?’ But now I know it was so that I can go back and show my daughter how to walk again. I know what it feels like when it hurts to walk. I know what it feels like to seem like you’re not getting any better. Seeing me get another chance at life gives [my son and daughter] strength.
Ron starts classes full time on August 25thwith tuition fully paid by the VA. He still stops by Gateway when he’s in the neighborhood to give hugs and show pictures of his grandkids. Ron’s journey out of homelessness is finally coming to an end, but his greater journey has only just begun.
“There’s something I say to my kids every so often. I texted them each the other day and said: ‘Our destiny is greater than our history.’ And you know what they both said? ‘Amen.’”

Homeless Veteran Reconnects with Family After 22 Years

Homeless Veteran Reconnects with Family After 22 Years
German Leon left his home to join the army when he was just 18 years old. Now 53, Mr. Leon has been displaced from his family for over 22 years. Until today, that is.
On Friday December 4th, Mr. Leon and his care team huddled together and waited for his sister to arrive. After weeks of searching, Gateway's staff discovered a connection to Mr. Leon's family through Facebook. 22 years' estrangement later, the room was quiet with anticipation. Mr. Leon looked down and fiddled with his jacket's zipper, looking up occasionally to ask how far away his sister was.
"Not long now ..." said Tonya Boose, Gateway's Sr. Programs Director, "The drive from South Carolina takes a while."
"This day came faster than I expected..." German thought out loud. The whole room beamed.
For the next hour, Gateway and VA staff who knew Mr. Leon sat together and exchanged loving stories about him. German laughed along shyly--his mind clearly occupied elsewhere as he waited for his long lost family member to arrive.
Finally, German's sister was brought upstairs to Mr. Leon's dorm room where he waited. Staff gathered round and watched as the two exchanged hugs and hellos. What does one say after two decades' separation?
German's sister pulled a small laminated ID out of her wallet and showed it to the group.
"That's you!" she exclaimed to Mr. Leon, "Can you believe you were ever so young?"
The ID pictured a younger and skinnier German Leon from his days serving in the army.
"How did you get this?" he asked.
"Our mother saved everything." she said.
"What's the first thing you're going to do when you get home?" Tonya asked.
"Sleep probably. Relax," said German Leon, "I won't have to worry about being cold anymore."
"Everything is going to be okay." said his sister.
The group gathered Mr. Leon's 3 suitcases, brought them downstairs, and loaded them into his sister's car. Final goodbyes were said before the two got into her car to drive away.
"Thank you for everything," said Mr. Leon to his care team, "You all have helped me so much."
We are so proud to have been a part of this incredible story. Congratulations Mr. Leon! We wish you the very best.

William Tolbert, 66, Ends Homelessness and Discovers Vocation

William Tolbert, 66, Ends Homelessness and Discovers Vocation
Mr. William Tolbert is living, breathing proof that it’s never too late to change. At the age of 66, after over 15 years of chronic homelessness, Mr. Tolbert experienced a 360° shift in his outlook on life thanks to GWC.
Mr. Tolbert, an Atlanta native, passed by Gateway thousands of times before finally coming inside. He struggled with addiction all his life, served in the army before discharging in 1974, and became caught up in the criminal justice system, which led to his being repeatedly turned down for housing. Tolbert made several attempts at recovery throughout the years, but nothing stuck.
That all changed on May 29th, 2014. William received a medical diagnosis for depression and a doctor’s note which explained that his condition would improve with access to steady housing. As a result, Tolbert entered Gateway’s former Pre-Treatment program for addiction recovery. Under case manager Will Parish’s guidance, Tolbert learned about the nature of his disease and what it takes to overcome addiction. After graduating from Pre-Treatment, Tolbert entered into Gateway’s Upward Program, which offers fraternal support, day-to-day structure, and help with job/housing search.
“I came here with an attitude of indifference and intolerance,” William explains, “I was mad with everyone who tried to help me because they weren’t doing what I wanted right then. But before I left Gateway, I was working behind the [Client Engagement Center] Desk, so the shoe was on the other foot.”
In fact, Tolbert discovered a deep love for serving others during his experience at Gateway Center. Gateway staff noticed quickly that he was a role model within the residential community, so Tolbert was invited to join the Gateway Center “Resident Assistant/Intern” program. It was through this role—supporting others who were entering into Gateway programs and attempting to end their homelessness for the first time—that Tolbert truly experienced a transformation. LaBaron Brown, the Resident Assistant Program Coordinator, had a huge influence.
“Gateway gave me the opportunity to find out who I really was. Mr. Brown told us we had to reinvent ourselves—I’m 66 years old! It’s hard for me to reinvent myself, you know. But I learned that I had to be empathetic. I learned that I had to treat other people the way I wanted to be treated. I changed my attitudes and behaviors—and that’s what recovery is.”
After almost one full year at the Gateway Center, Mr. Tolbert was hired by Crossroads Community Ministries to support others on their journey toward self sufficiency. And on April 27th, William moved into his very own apartment! Today, he's reconciled with his family, children, and grandchildren and is working part time to help transform the lives of others the same way Gateway's staff transformed his own.
“I’m overly grateful for everything that Gateway has done for me. I’m right where I’m supposed to be right now. I like going home to my own house. I’m truly happy. And I think this is what God wanted me to be all along. This is my vocation: to be a helpful servant. And the blessings just keep coming.”
Congratulations William Tolbert! We will miss your kind spirit at the Gateway Center, but are so proud of all that you’ve accomplished.

Homeless to Housed: Tina’s Story

Homeless to Housed: Tina’s Story
This morning, I received a lovely note from one of our staff members who has been with the Gateway Center for many years. This is the story of a young woman who experienced a transformation thanks to the dedication of our staff. I hope Tina's story inspires you as much as it has inspired us here at GWC!
In the words of Ms. Gloria Brewer, Client Service Aid:
I ran into a former client on the westbound MARTA Train Tuesday night, March 17, 2015. This young lady's name is Tina and she was in the Women and Children's Program on the main floor at Gateway several years ago before Gateway was converted into an all men's residential center. This young lady was in her early 20's at the time and was going through some hardship; struggling with her identity and the challenges that come with being a young adult. She was unemployed, very opinionated, and frustrated about her living conditions. Tina was a very difficult and troubled young lady. She was a person who didn't like following the protocols that were required of the women who were seeking assistance from Gateway.
Mrs. Sandra Austell--a Client Service Aid who worked on the 1st floor in the Women and Children's Program--befriended this young lady. Ms. Austell was able to get Tina to listen and respect those who were working so diligently on her behalf to help end her homelessness situation. After, counseling, and being mentored by Ms. Austell, Tina began to change her disposition and her attitudes toward the staff in the Women and Children's area. Thanks to Ms. Austell, Tina left Gateway with a new and positive attitude toward life.
On March 17th when I ran into Tina on the Westbound train, I saw a new and improved beautiful looking young woman. She looked so happy, energetic, and full of life--not at all like the young woman I had met several years ago in the Women and Children Center refusing to cooperate with staff.
Tina shared with me while on the train that she is now working for CDC. I was so impressed how beautiful and professional she looked! Tina told me to be sure that I tell Ms. Sandra Austell that she is doing well and is working for CDC. When I arrived to work that night, I was ecstatic and couldn't wait to tell Ms. Austell the exciting news regarding her success.
Ms. Beal, I share this story with you because this is one of the many stories that I hear everyday. The wonderful work that the staff here at Gateway does everyday in helping to change the lives of those who are experiencing homelessness. Please continue to share the stories of the clients and please include the staff and their dedications in helping to end homelessness.
Thank you, Ms. Brewer, for sharing Tina's story! And a huge thank you (now and always) to Sandra Austell and all of our amazing staff here at GWC who work so hard every day to change lives and end homelessness for each and every person who walks through our doors.

James’ Story: Reunited (And it Feels so Good)

James’ Story: Reunited (And it Feels so Good)
James McCain Jr. is something of a Gateway miracle. Arriving at Gateway Center in May 2014 after having lost everything, it took Mr. McCain only two months to get his life back on track, graduate from Gateway's Life Changers program, and move into his own apartment. Today, James has returned custody of his son and was gracious enough to share his story.
James is a soft-spoken and incredibly humble man. During our interview he explained,
"I do a lot of listening. This is the most talking I've done in a long time. Where I come from before you're walking and talking you learn to respect your elders, hold your peace, and listen. You've got two ears and one mouth."James grew up in Sumpter, SC and graduated from high school in 1995. Only two weeks after graduation he entered the U.S. Marine Corps at 18 years old. For the next 5 years James moved around the world with the Corps--traveling to California, Australia, and Japan where he climbed Mt. Fuji. During this time he met and married a woman in California who then gave birth to their son in 1999. James McCain left the Corps in 2000 and he and his family moved to Atlanta where, as he explains in his own words, "Things did not work out because I was young at the time--23 years old--and I didn't understand how to do the family thing ... I lost them because of me running around and not being productive." After his marriage ended, his ex-wife returned to California with their son, but James learned shortly afterward that she had become incarcerated. "I went to California to get my son who was 8 months old at the time," He remembers, "As I went to get him from the San Jose Airport, I remember he grabbed for me! So that moment was really what started my journey of raising my son." James and his baby boy, James McCain III, moved to Washington DC seeking a connection with his mother's family there, but found that they were not the support system he'd hoped for. Instead he was left to do almost everything on his own. "You know it takes a village to raise a child ... And there I was with this baby who drinks simalac milk. We had to go apply for food stamps and do all the other things mothers go through. Appointments and shots and getting into school, while at the same time I was working." James' son is now 15 years old, a sophomore in high school, and an honor roll student who loves math. James hasn't entered a new relationship in 15 years. "It's been just me and my son. He does math I've never even heard of. I'm very proud of him." But unfortunately it was not all smooth sailing for James. In 2008 he began using drugs as a means to cope and struggled with addiction for subsequent years. "I started using to get away," he explains with a distinct sense of self-awareness, "It was not constructive." James moved back to ATL with his son hoping to reconnect with some of his family, but was again unsuccessful in doing so. "It was kind of hard adjusting. I did have a job in Decatur, but I lost it (like I said) due to addiction." After losing his job, he and his son lost their apartment and became homeless in late winter of 2014. After losing custody of his son, James hit his lowest point and knew it was time to make a change. "Losing my son is what brought me to GWC. I turned a corner and got refocused ... Family is a big motivator. Not giving up ... Success to me is two-fold. Success is first waking up in the morning and then after you wake up, staying motivated to try to make the world better. I spent so many years blaming, but that was a waste. We all have to get on one accord to make this place better that we live in." James had one of the stortest stays in Gateway history. After only 2 months in our Life Changers program he overcame addiction, was hired downtown as a cook, and moved into his own apartment. Today James has been returned custody of his son and they live together in his new apartment. "We're doing better day by day," he says. When asked what one piece of advice he would give to a large group of people, he said simply: Live. Amen, James. We are so proud of you and your son! James has a strong relationship with music and loves to sing and play the blues with his band in his free time. Have a listen to his moving song "Story of My Life" for yourself! [audio mp3="/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/Story-of-my-life.mp3"][/audio]

Blind Right Now: How Poetry Changed This Man’s Life

Blind Right Now: How Poetry Changed This Man’s Life
By: Sophie Beal
Michael came to Gateway Center only 4 months ago after struggling with chronic homelessness and mental illness all his life. But at 43 years old, Michael came to Gateway Center and discovered a loving and supportive environment that changed everything. With the support of his case manager and close friends at Gateway, Michael has been in therapy, taking medication, and on a path to recovery. But that's not all...
Throughout his therapy, Michael began to write about his experiences with homelessness and Bipolar Dissociative Disorder--and in so doing discovered an incredible gift. In this video Michael shares a poem with us written about his experience with mental illness. A deeply religious man, Michael came to understand his struggles with Dissociative Disorder as a struggle between God and the Devil. His emotional poem, "Blind Right Now" agitates us to a deeper understanding of mental illness, homelessness, and ourselves.
Thank you Michael for sharing! We are so grateful.
Michael really wanted to include his best friend, Will Oliver in his interview. He and Will (pictured below) have a special bond and have helped push one another to be their best selves while at Gateway. It goes to show that Gateway is a community. We change lives and end homelessness every day, but we can't do it alone.
Join our community! Follow Gateway on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter and/or sign up for our monthly Newsletter.
Learn all the ways that YOU can help change lives and end homelessness in your community!

August Employee of the Month: Fred Payne

August Employee of the Month: Fred Payne
By: Sophie Beal
Fredrick Payne (known by most as Fred) is an incredible and dedicated human being. He arrived at Gateway as a client, rose in the ranks, was hired, and quickly became one of our most valuable employees. Today, Fred is our 3rd Floor CSA, but is always willing to help out wherever he is most needed. Now that our Summer Interns' time with Gateway Center has come to an end, our 1st Floor Client Engagement Center requires extra help to compensate. Fred has not missed a beat--stepping up and helping our Lead CSA, Esque, to provide each person who walks through our door with the highest quality care.
Fred approaches each new client interaction with patience and steady calm, often offering much needed advice and words of wisdom. During our interview, Fred was approached constantly and hardly had a moment to catch his breath long enough to answer my questions. He told one woman who was discouraged with her situation, "We all get tired, but we just can't give up."
Thank you for your hard work, Fred! You've earned that trophy.
Where are you from?
I’m originally from Atlanta, by way of California. I moved back to Atlanta when I was about 12-13 years old.
Where did you go to school and what did you study?
I went to Atlanta College of Business and graduated, then went to Georgia State and graduated with a degree in Management, and then went to Russ Institute and studied Security.
What led you to Gateway?
I actually found the Gateway Center through one bought of homelessness that I went through over a weekend. I went to Peters Street. And one of the guys over there came up to me and said “You don’t belong here. This does not fit you. You need to go to Gateway.” I went to Gateway, entered the program, and eventually graduated. I was hired by Gateway and today I'm the 3rd Floor CSA.
What inspires you most in your job?
Helping people. Seeing them come back and acknowledge that I helped them in some way. That’s the best thing about it. When I see a client who was here once and they come back to remind me of what I did for them—that’s my reward.
What is the hardest part of your job?
Not being able to help someone in the way that they need help. Having to tell them no. One of the hardest parts was when I worked in the women’s and children’s center and they’d come in at 10:30 p.m. with children and we didn’t have space, so we had to turn them away.
When you get discouraged, what keeps you going?
Prayer. I have church members I call when I get to that point. Either that or I work out on my music on my keyboard—that lifts me up.
What’s one memory of Gateway you’ll always remember?
There are many memories I have from Gateway . . . Recently, there was a guy here who was ready to give up, but I talked to him just like I do with all of our clients. What started as a one on one turned into a group session and, low and behold, he listened. He decided to be patient, put the work in, went out there and found a job. Now he’s about to move into his own place.
Another memory was when I graduated from the program the clients here threw a party for me.
What do you like to do in your free time?
I always tell the guys here—I never have any free time. I’m just as busy on the weekends as I am during the week. But when I do have time I watch movies, study, and work on my music. I do gospel, R&B, Jazz (but mainly Gospel). I perform every Sunday at church.
Where is your favorite spot in ATL?
According to my wife, my kids and my church members, my favorite spot is American Deli—but I think my favorite spot is actually home.
If you could give one piece of advice to a large group of people, what would it be?
Be patient. Keep focused. Keep the faith. Keep at it. Don’t give up. That’s what I keep telling the guys here. That’s what I’d tell anyone.

Donny’s Story: From Homeless to Lead Cook

Donny’s Story: From Homeless to Lead Cook
By: Staci Wright
When I was first introduced to Donny Hampton, I could tell that he was the kind of person I could sit and talk with all day long. So when he agreed to an interview with me, that is exactly what we did.
Donny grew up in Miami, Florida and shared stories of his childhood, his love for his mother and his passion for cooking at the young age of 7. As he showed me a scar on his ankle, he explained the story behind it.
One of my favorite programs as a kid was The Wizard of Oz. Back then, it was a 4 hour program and when it would come on my mom would let me stay up late and watch it and she would go into the kitchen and make homemade fries. The next day, I decided I would try and make some fries just like my mama did. So, I get up and I put the grease on the stove and cut the potatoes while the grease was getting hot. I then take the fries out of the water and I drop them in the scalding hot grease and the entire kitchen caught fire. I got scared, so I grabbed the pan and I tried to carry the pan out the back door and some of the grease splattered on my arm and I dropped the pan on my foot.After that incident, Donny’s mother showed him how to properly cook and maneuver his way around the kitchen. By the time Donny was 9 years old he was preparing the family meals. By 19, he was already a manager at TGI Fridays. He worked his way through restaurants until he opened up his own soul food restaurant in Decatur, GA in 1985. His successful restaurant business came crashing down in 1987 due to problems with substance abuse and he ended up losing everything he had worked so hard for. While telling this part of his story, Donny referred to 1 Corinthians 15:33, “Do not be misled: Bad company corrupts good character." By 1991, things were looking up again. Donny got married and was working on maintaining a healthy marriage and being a supportive father to his three daughters: Tasha (from a previous relationship), Jahsiland and Natalie. As his marriage began to fall apart, though, so did he. By 2004, he was divorced and back on his destructive path of drugs and alcohol. Money was running low, jobs were difficult to obtain and he hopped from shelter to shelter. He recalled one terrifying night when he was hit in the head with a steel pipe, robbed, assaulted and hospitalized for 8 days. After being released from the hospital, Donny knew he couldn't go back to the streets because he wouldn't survive. Instead, he secured a bed in the Training and Support program at Gateway in August of 2013. He told me the story of his first meeting with his caseworker, Amanda VanDalen, explaining that,
…Once you find people who truly care about your success, you hang on to those people. You appreciate those people and you let them know in every way shape and form that you appreciate those people. We had a person who cared about us and that was motivation enough to do what I had to do.Donny knew Amanda was someone who genuinely cared about him and his success, so he did not want to let her down. He was true to his word. Today, Donny is working as lead cook at the Peachtree Club and also as garde manger at the Sheraton Hotel. He has his own apartment and is enjoying decorating his place and getting in touch with his neighbors. “I’m so happy right now! I have my own place. I have my soberness and I’m looking forward to bettering myself in ways beyond simply having an apartment. I’m responsible for myself, I have responsibilities in my community and I have people I’m responsible to.” Since leaving Gateway, Donny has come back to visit and brought his family along for a tour; including two of his three daughters. “I wanted my kids to see what I had to go through to get back on the right track so they don’t make the same mistakes.” He wants his daughters to see him as a role model and someone to look up to and be proud of. “What I learned is to depend more on me and my skills and also to accept help from others. Help doesn't mean that you are handicapped, help means that you are getting fresh eyes; eyes with experience.” He concludes by quoting Matthew 6:33, “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.”

Second Chances: James’ Story

Second Chances: James’ Story
By Staci Wright
When I first met James Kinard he was 15 minutes early to our meeting and he was alive with energy and soul - even at 8:45 a.m. He had just graduated from Atlanta Area Tech College on May 17 for Heating and Air-Conditioning. I could tell he was so proud and I could not wait to find out more about him.
James is originally from a small town in South Carolina where the opportunities were slim. He was going to school for aviation maintenance, as well as working, but he could not seem to escape trouble. He was involved with selling drugs, fighting and shoot-outs, and found himself in and out of jail. He said it felt like he was “…always taking one step forward and being pushed two steps back.”
It was not until his mother, Brenda, suffered from a stroke that James decided to turn his life around. He and his mother moved to Atlanta so she could obtain better health care and he could have access to better opportunities. His mother was doing well until Thanksgiving morning when she endured another stroke. Her doctors thought she might not make it but James said his mother was a fighter, and she kept pushing and she kept holding on. James became his mother’s full-time caregiver, even though it was very hard for him to see her suffer. James stuck by his mother’s side until she passed away in 2011.
While caring for his mother, his girlfriend at the time was pregnant with their first baby, which she later lost due to a miscarriage.
"You know it really hurt me when she lost the baby, then my mother passed away and then my girlfriend broke up with me, then my grandmother passed away," said James. "I lost my job, my apartment, contemplated suicide and broke down and cried and asked God to help me.”
James tried to get back on the right track and decided to go back to school for heating and air and held a steady job at a warehouse. When the warehouse shifted to 12 hour work shifts that did not work with his school schedule, he made the tough decision to stick with his education and find an employer willing to work around his school schedule. Though, finding a new job proved to be much more difficult than he imagined and he eventually found himself without an apartment and out of unemployment funds.
“I wound up staying with this person and that person, slept in a few people’s cars, went to the airport to sleep and was bouncing back and forth from place to place.”
When one place did not work out, he found himself at Gateway Center in March and said it was the best thing he ever did. During his time in the Employment Program, James has held two jobs and was able to continue with his education.
“I just kept praying and pushing and before I knew it, graduation day came.”
Since being at Gateway, James has saved up enough money to get his driver’s license back, paid all his probation fees, got off probation, acquired affordable health insurance, saved up enough money for a car and is in the process of getting his record expunged. He says “…things are looking up.” His next step is to find a stable place to live that he can call his own and he will begin an apprenticeship program next month in his field.
When asked what he has learned through his life experiences, James answers, “One thing I’ve learned is the whole aspect of being humble. Just be humble."
In closing, James left me with this final statement.
“I just thank God for everything. Anybody out there that’s going through anything, no matter how bad you think it is, just know that God is with you and he always gives you multiple chances. It’s not always as bad as you think it is; a rainbow is coming!”
Thank you, James, for sharing your story with me and to the rest of the world.

Road to Success

Road to Success
Below is an email one of our staff members received from a previous client. This gentleman came to the Gateway Center experiencing homelessness and jobless and is now in the midst of training to become a truck driver and on the 'road' to self-sufficiency. We continue to strive to change lives and end homelessness - one life at a time.
"I've been running cross country on this second phase of my training. I thought I wasn't going to enjoy being back behind the wheel but I do and hopefully I can get through this last phase and get my own truck. I'm doing much better than expected! I want to thank you personally for your time and effort that you put into the computer lab and the people that come through there. Thank you and thank Gateway. I will be more diligent in keeping in contact with you man and I won't forget where I came from. Thank you again."

Zach’s Story

Zach’s Story
By Emily Emshoff
We are happy to be sharing the success story of Zachary Leach, a previous client at the Gateway Center who was a part of the Veteran's Program and is now stably housed and self-sufficient.
Zachary Leach came from Philadelphia to Atlanta in 2009 with the hopes of finding a job as a longshoreman in Savannah, Georgia. When his plans began to veer off course he found himself living in Atlanta longer than planned, with no job and no income.
Zach began to live off his unemployment benefits, which lasted for two years. As his source of income began to dwindle, he found himself going down a path that was leading to a life he had never imagined for himself.
“I never thought I had a drinking problem. I knew I had a drug problem, but I had stopped doing drugs in 1989. Turns out, I was substituting one drug for another when I turned to alcohol.”
After living in an apartment for four months for free, the landlord told him he either had to start paying or leave.
“I ended up staying in an abandoned house nearby. My depression set in, and I began to drink more heavily.”
After taking advice from one of his friends, Zachary visited the Veteran’s Administration. He told them he was experiencing homelessness and an alcoholic. After visiting a few different shelters, he was referred to the Gateway Center in April 2013 and joined the Veteran's Program.
“From the day I walked in the door at Gateway, I did everything they asked of me. I worked hard and eventually became a Residential Assistant. I finally had options for my life.”
Zachary began attending school at Cutting Edge and became a certified barber and cosmetologist.
After being an RA for seven months, Zach is now self-sufficient. He will be starting his new job as a barber, and he is in the process of moving into a two-bedroom condo downtown. He has also been sober for 11 months.
“I can honestly say that Gateway has given me a great life. I no longer smoke cigarettes or drink alcohol; I don’t even eat red meat!”
After living on his own for six months, Zach plans to return to Gateway and volunteer. He wants to help people who are in the situation he was once in. Zach says coming to the Gateway Center was the best decision he has ever made.
“If you want a new beginning, start here.”

Antyon’s Story

Antyon’s Story
(Pictured above: Antyon's townhouse. He now has a place that he can call home.)
By Jason Tatum
I had a great conversation with a former resident of the Gateway Center earlier today. I asked him about his life, his experiences, and where he’s been, but I did not find him eager to dwell on the past. His story, as far as he is concerned, began the day he got out of prison.
The day Antyon left prison, he had nowhere to go. He lacked money, a place to live, and family or friends to fall back on for support. He was without a lot at that point, but what he did have was a desire to make his life matter. Antyon knew that he needed work and he needed it fast. “I just got out there immediately and applied to everything I could find,” he told me. “I was willing to work right away so I got going on the hunt. It took me two days to find employment.”
Antyon had spent just three days in a nightly shelter when a staff person at that facility told him about the Employment program here at Gateway Center. He made his way over to Pryor St. where he made a new friend and mentor in Christie Peters, one of our case managers on the third floor.
“Ms. Peters gave me the tools I needed to reach self-sufficiency,” Antyon related to me. “I learned how to budget my money, save, and plan for the future.” Within 6 months of leaving jail and having literally nothing, Antyon was ready to move into an apartment of his own, paid for by his own hard work and dedication.
Antyon enjoys the work he is doing at the moving company where he is employed, but he has his eyes on the future. “I’ve got a cool place and I’m in a good spot, but I know what I want to do with my life. My dream is to get a degree in Human Services so that I can counsel others and give back. I want to impact others and help change lives.”
I asked Antyon what he thought about his experience with homelessness and being in one of Gateway’s programs. “I would recommend the center to anyone. Gateway Center has so many resources that were really helpful. They had the Department of Labor office right there in the building. They had a computer lab that was great. They even helped me get furniture. Anyone who needs help shouldn't hesitate to go.”
Antyon has been living self-sufficiently for about two months. The job is going well and the apartment is becoming a home, but perhaps the best news he had, the thing that was the most exciting to him overall, was that he was now taking online classes towards that degree: that dream of helping others.
Last year thousands of people stayed at Gateway Center in their journey towards self-sufficiency and out of homelessness. $10 provides meals for a day for one client. Every dollar counts. Make a donation today.

Jerome’s Story

Jerome’s Story
By Emily Emshoff
We are happy to be sharing the success story of Jerome Lucas, a previous client at Gateway Center who was a part of the Life Changers Program and is now stably housed and self-sufficient.
In 2012 Jerome had a job working at a restaurant, and things were going well. When he unexpectedly lost his job and was denied unemployment benefits, he found himself with nothing, and nowhere to turn.
“It was so much stress. Everything started to pile up on me.”
Jerome unfortunately suffered a stroke on Mother’s Day and was desperately in need of assistance. His daughter brought him to Gateway at a point when he was not even able to walk.
“I met Vince Smith (Executive Director at Gateway Center) and he ended up being my best friend. He got me a walking cane.”
Jerome became a part of the Life Changers program where he worked closely with several case managers as he healed and worked to turn his life around. When he arrived at Gateway, he had no income, and his Social Security benefits were pending. After working with case managers, he was awarded his Social Security benefits and was then eligible for an income-based senior living apartment.
After completing the Life Changers program, Jerome was able to apply for an apartment, was accepted and moved into housing. One of our case managers was kind enough to give Jerome a TV and a chair as a start to furnish his new home.
“It was nice to realize the apartment and the stuff in it was all mine, and nobody could take it from me. I couldn't get put out.”
Jerome says the biggest lesson he learned was that when you are going through hard times, you have to keep your head up and some good will come along; you will meet some good people.
“If it wasn’t for Gateway, I wouldn’t even be here. Nobody else cared as much as they do at Gateway.”
Last year over 4,400 unique persons stayed at Gateway Center in their journey towards self-sufficiency and out of homelessness. $10 provides meals for a day for one client. Every dollar counts. Make a donation today.

Profiles in Change: Meet Emmanuel

Profiles in Change: Meet Emmanuel
Emmanuel came to the Gateway Center when he needed help. Now, he is giving back to the place who gave so much to him.
Emmanuel is a part of our Residential Assistant program. RA's are similar to leaders in a college dormitory, but are also picking up training and skills that they'll be able to take forward in their careers when they leave the Gateway Center.
One of our awesome interns, Sophie Beal, got to know Emmanuel and she realized that he had a lot of wonderful things to share. When she asked him if he would be interested in doing an interview on camera he happily agreed! This video is the very first in what will be a series titled, "Profiles In Change.”
[video width="640" height="480" mp4="/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/profiles_in_change-_meet_emmanuel_640x480.mp4"][/video]

Local Mobility: Chris’ Story

Local Mobility: Chris’ Story
By: Molly
Chris and I were scheduled to meet at 3:30 on a Tuesday afternoon. I arrived at his dorm on the second floor a few moments early and one of the case managers gave him a ring on his cell phone to let him know that I had arrived for our interview. I sat in the Recuperative Care unit, admiring the health facts and client artwork hanging on the walls for a few moments until Chris came rushing in the door.
“I’m so sorry I am late- I ran here from the library…I guess you can tell since I am sweating!” Chris apologized. I, of course, was not offended in the least bit at his tardiness. I would soon find out that running back to Gateway from the local library was no small feat, and, had I met Chris a few months ago, running would not have been an option.
In 2011, Chris was diagnosed with a severe neuromuscular disorder called Myasthenia Gravis, an autoimmune disorder that causes the body to produce antibodies that block the muscle cells from receiving messages from the nerve cell…in other words, movement and muscle control are difficult if not impossible. When Chris was diagnosed a few years ago, he was living independently. Not too long after his diagnosis Chris was notified that his landlord had not been making proper payments, and that the house where he was renting a room was being foreclosed. Chris moved in with his uncle, but his health prevented him from work and it soon became evident that he needed medical intervention.
After a stint in the Grady emergency room, Chris was discharged onto the street with no housing options that would suit his physical state. After a few months of living in shelters and hopping from relative to relative, he knew he needed a long term solution so that he could gain control over his diagnosis and live a functional life.
In the late fall of 2012, after having exhausted all of his family connections and options for short term shelter, Chris was finally referred to the Gateway Center Recuperative Care program. Thanks to the caring and extensively talented staff from Saint Joseph’s Mercy Care, Chris is now more mobile than ever, and no longer worries about where he will eat or sleep each day. Chris has been with us at Gateway now for four months, and can’t contain his joy when he talks about how far he has come.
“I was at the library looking at apartment applications all morning, and time just slipped away from me!” he exclaimed, still apologizing for being late. I just couldn’t stop smiling as Chris told me about his apartment search. Just four months ago, he could hardly walk, and now he is running all around town, preparing to move into self-sufficiency with the support of a whole community of social and medical workers.
Chris is the physical manifestation of so many client stories at the Gateway Center. When folks walk through our doors for the first time, they are hurting, some can hardly walk upright. We strive to be a place of healing and empowerment; and not just physically, but mentally, emotionally, and spiritually as well. My hope for all of our clients is that they can not only get back on their feet with the help of our programs, but that they can all get to the point where they can hit the ground running!